Appreciative Inquiry Events and Networking
Many inspiring face to face and on-line events take place each year across the global Appreciative Inquiry community.
These are great opportunities for you to connect with and share knowledge with like-minded others.
IAAI Events Calendar
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Other events
The Cooperrider Centre at Champlain College, USA – Have an interesting programme of events including an Annual on-line Ai Jam, plus other in-person and on-line courses and events.
The European Community of Appreciative Inquiry – Facilitate European in-person gatherings and other events in various European languages
The Corporation for Positive Change – Offer a free monthly Positive Change Café (discussion groups) zoom and other events.
Taos Institute – Offer on-line courses and events disseminating ideas and practices that promote creative, appreciative, and collaborative processes in families, communities, and organizations around the world.
Learning from Excellence – Have been capturing and studying peer reported excellence in healthcare since 2014. They have an open source website and organise virtual and in-person events that focus on learning from excellence in healthcare.
Caring Corner – Explore and share Appreciative Inquiry stories in health and care and provide related blogs and podcasts.
Centre for Appreciative Inquiry – Rather like IAAI the centre for appreciative inquiry offers AI training, AI workshops, and consulting projects underpinned by AI approaches.
Conversations Worth Having – Offer training and other events to support people to have conversations that use Appreciative Inquiry principles and generative questioning approaches to Fuel Productive and Meaningful conversations and other engagements that are worth having.
Newsletters: All the above organisations produce regular newsletters that you could sign up to.